Parameters FAQs
19 June 2015
Is there a required/recommended building character for the whole of Clark Green City?
At the moment there is none.
18 June 2015
Am I allowed to design for a basement level and then 4 levels of residential above?
Yes you may.
17 June 2015
If my design has a roof deck, will it be counted as a level? For example, if I have 4 levels of residential units and a roof deck on top, am I still following the Parameter of 4 storeys/levels only?
Yes you are allowed to have a roof deck.
Is there a specific Building Height Limit aside from the restriction of building up to four (4) storeys/levels only?
We will not be setting a specific Building Height Limit. We leave that up to the design of the Participant. We are limiting all buildings in the Developments to 4 storeys/levels such that elevators will not be required. Aside from that, the Participant is free to play with the design of the dwelling units.
Is there a required rate of return for the 25 hectare development?
It is up to the Participants to determine what is a feasible rate of return for the project given the said parameters.
Will the cost of the development and construction of the 5 hectare also be part of the Institutional loan? Should the 25 hectare subsidize the cost of the 5 hectare?
Until further details are ironed out between BCDA and PAGIBIG, assume that the cost of developing the 25 and 5 hectare properties will be through two (2) separate Institutional Loans: one for the 25 Rental Housing Development and other one for the 5 Hectare 200 Housing Unit Development.
Kindly clarify: the Parameters state that the 25 hectares will be allotted for University and Clark Green City Housing. In the Conceptual Plan, there are Campus Housing and Luxury Villas outside the 25 hectares. Do we also have to design the Campus Housing and Luxury Villas outside of the 25 hectare site?
No. Limit your Design and Business Case Proposal to the 25 hectares for Rental Housing and the 5 hectares for the 200 families that will be affected by the Phase 1 Development. The Campus Housing and Luxury Villas will be built by a private developer when the Clark Green City gains the critical population. The 25 hectares will serve as transitory housing for the initial employees and initial students of the university(ies) as part of the Phase 1 development.
For the units under the Php 60,000 to 99,999 Income Bracket, can the units have shared facilities? For example, the Unit will consists of a Studio that shares a common kitchen and toilet with other Studios/Units.
You may but you need to reflect the shared facilities in the Detailed Financial Model.
Can I charge Php 1,900 per PERSON for the units under the Php 60,000 to 99,999 Income Bracket?
No you may not. Only the Dorm-type facilities can charge between Php 800 to 1000 per person per month. The rest must charge a Rental Rate per DWELLING UNIT.
11 June 2015
Can we adjust the site boundary/merge the two lots of land (25 hectares and 5 hectares) together or is there an existing road network to be preserved?
You cannot merge the two lots as there is an existing community in between with an existing dirt road. You may refer to the google earth file to view the existing community.
Can we relocate the 200 families into the 25 hectare development and use the 5 hectare land for rental housing purpose?
No you may not.
Will it be a house and lot package for the 200 families to be relocated?
It is up to the participant to decide what housing typology(ies) s/he will provide for the 5 hectare development. Just keep in mind that it should be acceptable to the 200 families.
The Parameter states that we need to design for a range of housing typologies but upon clarification, it is up to us to decide which suits the development best. Which should prevail?
The Parameter states that Participants can decide to use a range of using typologies which will suit the community that they are trying to create. There is no discrepancy between the two statements. Should the participant choose to design for 1 (range) of housing typology, then s/he is still following the Competition Parameter.
If we go the route of having a highly dense housing typology rather than allocating landed housing units (e.g. row houses, single-detached/duplexes, etc.), will we be required to provide the design for these?
Please keep in mind that you can build only up to a maximum of four (4) stories/floors for the Developments. Should you decide to design for 4-storey walk-ups, you still need to provide the details per unit: example for a studio unit, a 2-bedroom, etc.
Can you clarify: “the ratio between the built area over the open spaces should not be less than 70 is to 30”?
It means that you could have the option of using ratios of 60 (built) is to 40 (open), 50 (built) is to 50 (open), 40 (built) is to 60 (open), 30 (built) is to 70 (open), 20 (built) is to 80 (open); and 10 (built) is to 90 (open). You are NOT to use the following ratios: 80 (built) is to 20 (open) and 90 (built) is to 10 (open).
If I am to provide an MRF (Materials Recovery Facility), how will I classify it under the Detailed Financial Analysis template?
In the Detailed Financial Analysis template we will be providing later, you can classify it under “Communal”.
In the Initial Financial Analysis template, there are 9 types of housing units, does this mean it is part of the Competition Parameters to provide 9 housing types?
The data in the Initial Financial Analysis template is meant to be an example only. It is up to the Participants to determine how many types of housing units they will provide.
05 June 2015
Can we utilize the area between the BALE Sites as access and connection?
Yes you may.
04 June 2015
Are the BALE Sites subject to PD 957 or BP 220?
It is up to the Participants to determine which code would best suit the Developments. Keep in mind that BALE aims for a mixed-income housing development. The Developments are also subject to the National Building Code of the Philippines and other local codes and regulations.
What is the likely PPP (Private Public Partnership) Mode for the Project?
Please refer to the link in the Resources page. PAG-IBIG will provide BCDA with an institutional loan to construct the Developments. The 25 hectare Development will serve as a transitional housing for the Clark Green City employees and students. It is still subject to review whether the property management of the 25 hectare Rental Housing Development will be through BCDA or whether it will be outsourced. Participants can include, as part of the A3 Report, who is the best party to manage the Rental Property.
As for the 5 hectare Development, it is still being reviewed whether ownership for the 200 units will be given to the families. However, in the design of the units, it is best to anticipate that it will either be: a.) Leased to the families at an affordable or subsizied rate; or b.) Sold to the families through a PAG-IBIG funding mechanism or the like. Participants can include, as part of the A3 Report, what is the better strategy or if there is another alternative.
Are the BALE Sites envisioned for permanent dwelling?
The the land under Clark Green City are under leasehold. The 25 hectare Rental Housing Development is envisioned to be transitional housing for the employees and students of Clark Green City. The 5 hectare is for the 200 families that will be affected by the Phase 1 Development. Whether the units in the 5 hectare development will be subject to ownership by the families is still being studied and reviewed.
Is the design of resettlement homes part of the competition scope?
Yes. The 5 hectare will be the resettlement of the 200 families that will be affected by the Phase 1 Development. However, this Development must not be isolated from both the existing and new communties. It must also be designed with the competition’s aspiration for a Mixed-Income Housing Development.
What are the income profiles of the 200 families that will live in the 5 hectare Development?
We would prefer that you research on the Income Profiles and Family Profiles of Region 3 to have an understanding of whom you are designing for. We don’t want these families typecasted on a certain income level as we would want these families to prosper tangent with the development of Clark Green City. We also don’t want the 5 hectare development to be associated with only one income class (e.g. call it a socialized housing development). Rather, we want it to be a community that grows its potentials through opportunities offered by the Development(s) itself and that of Clark Green City.
If we are to use the Region 3 Census Data to determine the income profiles of the 200 families, how much do we need to assume for the value of each unit?
It is up to the participants to determine how much they will price the units for the 5 hectare development. Just keep in mind that the units may either be rented out or it will be sold to the families through a PAG-IBIG loan. On both scenarios, it is up to the Participants to determine how they can make the price affordable.
Can the BALE site boundaries be altered to provide connectivity with the existing communities and Phase 1 Development?
Yes it is encouraged in the Detailed Judging Criteria that the existing and new communities be interconnected and integrated. If these connectivities are outside the BALE Sites, don’t forget to define which are outside and which are within the BALE Sites. The BALE Sites cannot be altered but Participants can provide suggestions on how these boundaries can be enhanced/blurred/defined to achieve the interconnectivity goal.
Can we connect the BALE Sites with the existing communities?
Yes. Please refer to the Detailed Judging Criteria. The housing communities, both new and existing must be integrated with each other and with the overall Clark Green City Concept Plan.
Is the data in the Initial Financial Cost Analysis to be considered as part of the Competition Parameters? Or is it just an example and we can modify it?
The data in the Initial Financial Cost Analysis should be treated as an example on how it should be filled up. Participants can modify it to fit their actual design.
Can we make a specific project financing and funding scheme?
You may but you will still need to fill up both the Initial and Detailed Financial Analysis templates that are given out as part of the Competition Kit.
Is the Rental Housing Development exclusive only to CGC employees?
Yes. The 25 hectare Rental Housing Development will be exclusive to workers, professors; and students of the Clark Green City. This is so that workers in the Clark Green City can Live, Work, Play in the city.
If the population of Clark Green City will reach 1.2 million at full development in 50 years, what percent of this will be accomodated in the Rental Housing Development?
We will be releasing later the projected population projection for the Phase 1 Development. But it will still be up to the participants to determine what is the realistic residential capture rate for the Phase 1 Development. As for the population of the whole Clark Green City, it is up to the Participants to determine by thorough research, what is an acceptable capture rate for residential. Also, it is up to the participants to determine a feasible phasing plan for the Rental Housing Development.
Can you clarify the rental rates Parameter?
The design of the 25 hectare Rental Housing Development must adhere to the BALE Rental Rates Distribution.
For example, if in the Development, I designed 100 Dwelling Units. Then 10% of these must be a dorm-type facility/room that can be rented out between Php 800-1000 per PERSON. So I can decide that these 10 units are 50 square meters in size each and can accomodate 5 persons each. Then each person for the 5-person dorm room, I will charge Php 900 per month.
Then 20% of these units, I need to rent out between Php 1,150 to 1,900 per UNIT. So I can decide that these 20 Units will be broken down as follows: 10 (36-square-meter) studio units to be rented out for Php 1,200 per month, 5 (50-square-meter) 1-Bedroom units to be rented out for 1,600 per month; and 5 (60-square-meter) 2-Bedroom units to be rented out for Php 1,900 per month.
Then 40% of these units, I need to rent out between Php 2,400 to 4,050 per UNIT. So I can decide that these 40 Units will be broken down as follows: 10 (36-square-meter) studio units to be rented out for Php 2,400 per month, 10 (50-square-meter) 1-Bedroom units to be rented out for 2,700 per month, 10 (60-square-meter) 2-Bedroom units to be rented out for Php 3,500 per month; and 10 (75-square-meter) 3-Bedroom units to be rented out for Php 4,050 per month.
Then 30% of these units, I need to rent out starting from Php 5,500 per UNIT. So I can decide that these 30 Units will be broken down as follows: 10 (50-square-meter) 1-Bedroom units to be rented out for 7,000 per month, 10 (60-square-meter) 2-Bedroom units to be rented out for Php 10,000 per month; and 10 (75-square-meter) 3-Bedroom units to be rented out for Php 15,000 per month.
Please treat the data inside the Initial Financial Analysis template as an example of how to fill it up only.
02 June 2015
Can we have the specific number of population we need to house?
It is up to the participants to research on potential residential capture rates. However, we will be releasing as part of the Competition Kit the projected population for the Phase 1: 288-hectare Development.
Is there a specific FAR we will adhere to for the BALE Sites or are we going to derive that based on our architectural program?
For the BALE Sites (25 hectares: Rental Housing and 5 Hectares: 200 Units) all structures within cannot go over four (4) storeys/floors.
Is there a building height limit from CAAP (Civial Aviation Authority of the Philippines) in the said area?
Yes there is but for the site it is irrelevant as all structures in the BALE Sites must not exceed four (4) storey/floors.
Can we derive our own FAR and density for the development?
Please stick to the Competition Parameter that all structures in the BALE Sites must not be over four (4) storeys/floors. It is up to participants to conceptualize the kind of density they want for the Developments as long as they adhere to local codes and that all structures are no more than four (4) storeys/floors.
Are there FARs (Floor to Area Ratios) in the Land Use of Clark Green City Concept Plan?
There are assigned Floor Area Ratios in the Clark Green City Concept Plan. The CGC Concept Plan will still be subject to a Detailed Master Development Plan. To better understand the Phase 1 Development of the Clark Green City, please refer to Page 3 of the Terms of Reference for the 288 hectare Phase 1 Development. Listed in it are the FAR for the initial 288 development.
Is there a required Plot Ratio?
All structures in the BALE Sites must not exceed four (4) storeys. Beyond that, please adhere to local codes with regards to required easements and open spaces.
Is there a ratio of dwelling units we need to provide for the 25 hectare Rental Housing Development? For example, are you asking for a specific number of 1 bedroom units, studio units, etc.?
Please treat the data in the Initial Financial Analysis template as just an example. You can change the housing and unit types in the template. We are not asking for a specific number of types of units. Rather, for the 25 hectare development, we are asking that you rent out a certain percentage of units to a specific cost range.
For example, if you have 100 units in the Development, 20% of the units or 20 units must be rented out for the cost of Php 1,150 to 1,900. What types of these units are (for example in the 20 units: 10 are 2 BR units, 5 are 3 BR units, 5 are studios) is up to Participant. As long as in the end, the participant can show through the Financial Analysis that the Development can be feasible.
Are we allowed to develop other housing types aside from single-detached houses in the 5 hectare lot allotted for the displaced 200 families?
Yes you may as long as they will be deemed acceptable by the 200 families to be relocated.
Can we make an interview survey?
Such activity will not be supported by BCDA as it will interfere with the ongoing activities on ground.
Can we make a specific project financing and funding scheme?
Yes but you will still need to fill up both the Initial and Detailed Financial Analysis given as part of the Competition Kit.
29 May 2015
Is there a required number or percentage for different types of dwelling units?
Participants are free to propose different kinds of dwelling units as long as they don’t exceed 4 storeys. For the Rental Housing Development, there is no number or percentage required for the different kinds of dwelling units as long as they can be rented out in the rental rates stated in the Parameters.
28 May 2015
What is the land use assigned for the BALE sites?
The sites for BALE is classified under residential but commercial, communal, institutional and agricultural can be allowed in line with the Diversity & Density Key Performance Indicator of Clark Green City. All structures must be within 4 storeys only.
25 May 2015
What is the number of built square meter over open spaces allowed?
The ratio between built areas over the open spaces should not be less than 70 is to 30. The minimum floor areas and lot areas must adhere to local codes as stated in the Parameters.
What is the number of levels allowed?
All building types in the sites must be up to four storeys only as stated in the Parameters.
23 May 2015
With regards to the Social Aspect: How acceptable is it to mix the rented housing and the “private” housing?
The 25 hectares is allotted for the Rental Housing Development which must follow the rental rates stated in the Parameters. This is intended for employees in the Clark Green City as well as students and employees of University(ies) in Clark Green City. The other 5 hectares is allotted for the 200 families that will be relocated because of the Phase 1 Development. The Rental Housing Development and 200 Housing Units cannot be mixed. They are non-contiguous parcels of land and in between them are existing housing.
For the “private” housing (housing for the 200 families), is it seen as a mix of plots of land or mid to high-rise buildings?
For the 5 hectares assigned to the 200 families that will be affected by the Phase 1 Development, it is up to the participant to decide whether they will allot individual lots with single-detached houses or design instead mid-rise buildings with common areas (up to four-storey walk-ups only). It is up to the participant to research what would be socially acceptable to the existing 200 families that will occupy the 5 hectares.
Are the sites (25 hectares and 5 hectares) going to be purely residential?
Commercial, institutional; and communal uses can be introduced in the sites aside from Residential in line with the Diversity & Density Key Performance Indicator for Clark Green City. All buildings though must be limited to 4 storeys only.